35.987442, 137.647492
Day 4
from Omiya Sta. to Toro Sta. by Train - 10 min.
The Omiya Bonsai Art Museum, Saitama / 110 min.
from Toro Sta. to Kawagoe Sta. by Train - 30 min.
by Bus - 10 min.
Toki no Kane (“Bell of Time”)
Osawa Family Residence
Penny Candy Alley
by Bus - 15 min.
from Kawagoe Sta. to Naganoharakusatsuguchi Sta. by Train - 185 min.
by Bus - 25 min.

Kusatsu Onsen (Hot Spring)
One of the most famous Japan's hot spring resorts. This hot spring resort boasts the highest yield of natural hot spring water in Japan, and is built around the source of the hot spring, known as Yubatake.
Kusatsu Onsen (Hot Spring)