New Golden Route


Kanazawa 21st century museum of contemporary art

Kanazawa Sta.

Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Pref.

Kanazawa 21st century museum of contemporary art

This museum focuses on the Contemporary Art. It's located in the center of the City and thus can be easily reached. It's a museum resembling a park where one comes across all kinds of people and can have a variety of experiences.

Circular in form, the Museum has a diameter of 113m with the glass peripherals. People can walk through freely all sections of their choice.

  • Hirosaka or Korinbo Atrio-mae bus stops
  • +81-76-220-2800
    Fax +81-76-220-2802
  • Hirosaka 1chome 2-1, Kanazawa City, Ishikawa
  • [Gallery zone] 10:00-18:00 (open till 20:00 on Fri. and Sat.)
    [Free zone] 9:00-22:00
  • [Gallery zone] Mon. (closed on Tuesdays if Monday happens to be a National Holiday), Dec.29-Jan.3
    [Free zone] Dec.29-Jan.3
  • Free (payment required for entrance to exhibitions)
  • Website

36.560850, 136.658172

  • Access
  • Tel No.
  • Address
  • Hours
  • Closed
  • Fee / Price

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